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Treasurer's Office

I. Processing and Issuance of Business Permits and Licenses

(a) Essence. – It is the policy of the government to promote business, commerce and industry and to regulate their operation.  Therefore, all businessmen are required to secure business licenses and permits prior to operating new businesses or to continue operating existing businesses.  The processing of all the papers for the final issuance of business license and permit is the function of all office concerned.  The Office of the Municipal Treasurer is responsible for receiving all the papers required, shall finalize the process by having the business permit signed by the Municipal Mayor.  In as much as the processing of business permits involves different offices, A ONE-STOP-SHOP shall be installed at the municipal hall and manned by the offices concerned to facilitate the issuance of said permits within the period from January 2 to 20 of every year.

(b) Processing Time. – If the requirements are complete, this transaction shall be completed within one (1) working day.

(c) Clientele. – Citizens doing business or are planning to do business within the municipality.

(d) Requirements:

1. Filled-up Business Application Form

2. Community Tax Certificate (Cedula) Current Year

3. Barangay Clearance

4. DTI Registration for Single Proprietorship(for renewal) & Letter of Intent to New Business Applicants

5. SEC Registration for Corporation and Partnership (for renewal)

6. ID picture passport size (3 copies)

7. Previous Business Permit (for renewal)

8. Development Permit (for Multi-million companies)

9. Sputum & Stool of Proprietors & employees for Food Handlers

10. Sputum of Proprietors and employees/drivers to non-food handlers

11. Fire/Police Clearance

12. Zoning clearance from the Municipal Planning & Development Coordinator

13. Building/Occupancyand EnvironmentalClearancefrom Municipal Engineer’s Office

            (e) Availability of Service:

             (1) During Regular Office Office Days:  Monday to Friday from 8:00A.M. to 5:00 P.M.    NO NOON BREAK.     

            (2) One-Stop-Shop (January 2 to 20 of every year only) – Monday to Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.  NO NOON BREAK.

            (e) Fees and Charges. – Business taxes and fees are based on the existing Municipal Revenue Code of the Municipality of Anilao.

            (f) Steps in Providing the Service. -                                                        




Duration of Activity


Proceeds to License Section of the Office of the Municipal Treasurer.  Presents all requirements, including filled-up Business Application Form.


 Pay the corresponding fees: Police clearance, Medical certification and Sanitary permit





Receives  basic requirements.


Reviews the declaration based on the occular inspection.



Issuance of official receipt on the following:


  • Police Clearance – P50.00
  • Medical Certificate- P70.00
  • Sanitary Permit- P50.00


Advises the client to proceed to offices concerned mentioned above.


25 minutes








5 minutes




Proceeds to the offices for signature:


  • Office of the MHO as to health and sanitation requiring submission of sputum and stool of proprietors and employees in case of food handlers.


  • PNP Station and Bureau of Fire Protection as to Fire and Police Clearances requiring the presentation of Official  Receipts for fire extinguisher, Cedula, 1 copy of  passport size I.D. and Barangay Clearance.


  • Municipal Planning Development Office for Zoning Clearance


  • Office of the Municipal Engineer for building/occupancy/

Solid Waste Management Certification




Conducts on-site inspection (if necessary), and Affixes signature




Conducts on-site inspection (if necessary), and Affixes signature





Affixes  signature



Affixes  signature




45 minutes





30 minutes






5 minutes



5 minutes


Proceeds to Municipal Treasurer’s Office for payment of assessment on business taxes, fees and other charges.

Issues Official Receipts

10 minutes


Proceeds to the Office of the Municipal Mayor and submits all the signed business application and official receipts and 2 pcs. Passport size ID

Prints business permits


Reviews documents submitted


Approves permits

15 minutes




20 minutes


Proceeds to  MTO License Section   for the release of the approved business permit, plate and sticker

Records and releases approved business permits, plates and stickers

15 minutes


2. Collection and Issuance of Tax Clearance for Real Property Tax

      (b) Essence. – It is mandated by the Local Government code that all taxpayers who have real properties shall pay their real property taxes, to be made at the beginning of the year from January – March in order for them to avail of the 10% discount for the current year.  After which, a tax clearance will be issued.

      (b) Processing Time. – If the requirements are complete, this transaction shall be completed within forty (40) minutes.

      (c) Clientele. – All citizens who own real properties in the municipality.

      (d) Requirements:

1. Notice of Assessment from the Office of the Municipal Assessor

2. Previous  Official Receipts

      (e) Availability of Service. – During office days.  Monday to Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.  NO NOON BREAK.

      (f) Fees and Charges. – Computation of the Real Property Tax shall be based on the Omnibus Tax Code of 1997.

      (g) Steps in Providing the Service




Duration of Activity


Registers his/her name at the logbook.  Waits for the tax billing

Conducts short interview.

Computes/prints the tax bill

20 minutes









Receives the real property tax bill

Issues the official receipt of the taxpayer


Encodes the official receipt.  Prints the tax clearance.


Signs the document

5 minutes



10 minutes



5 minutes


Receives the tax clearance

Releases the Tax Clearance

5 minutes


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 Poblacion, Anilao, Iloilo, Philippines  5009

 Tel. No.  033 362 0459   033 362 0401

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